Please note, that there are no open positions in our lab this year.
As I get quite a lot of requests, below I summarized some suggestions which may help you find a PhD programme.
1. In Poland, you apply to a PhD programme through a doctoral school. You need to pass an exam. For University of Warsaw, details on admission process can be found here:
Direct contact with a prospective PI is encouraged, yet you need to apply through central Recruitment Centre
Usually, the recruitment takes place in May-June.
2. Life science is costly. If a lab does not advertise a PhD position, usually there are no funds to support a PhD project, and you will get a negative response no matter how good is your CV. On the other hand, PIs with open positions advertise their positions wherever possible. You may check the open positions here: or here
3. Tailor your CV and explain, how your expertise and interest match the scope of a lab you are applying to. With a general CV or a CV irrelevant to the topics studied by the PI you likely won’t get a response. A general interest in the PI work is not enough, you need to explain what research questions you want to pursue and how the lab fits these.
Please mind that our lab is focused on ecology and evolution, not human health nor microbiology or epidemiology.